To Do with Buttons

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Button Man


24 gauge craft wire or thread
Buttons of all sizes

"I used 24 gauge craft wire to string these. I started with two equal lengths (and so had four ends - two in each leg) and made two legs, working from the bottom up. I combined the four strands (two in each bundle) to begin building the body, then split two of the strands out to make the arms. The remaining two strands were used to make the rest of the body and the head while the arms were built and then the strands were fed back through the buttons and wound around the central wire of the body. The result is really sturdy but still a little flexible. I'm sure you could use thread for a very bendy button man."

So don't turn any clothes with buttons into polishing cloths or other projects before you start a button collection


Use as Game Pieces or Poker Chips
Don’t let lost pieces stop you from playing games like backgammon, bingo, or Ludo. You can substitute buttons for lost pieces and keep playing to your heart’s content. For an impromptu game of poker, use buttons as chips, with each colour representing a different value.

Beanbag Filler
Use up all of those ‘extra’ small buttons that are floating about the next time you make beanbags, and save the dried beans for the soup.

Keep Tape Unstuck
You’re trying to wrap a present and can’t find the end of a tape roll. Instead of scratching in frustration trying to find that elusive end every time you use the tape, stick a button on the end of the tape. As you use the tape, keep moving the button.

Make a Bracelet
String attractive buttons onto 3mm-wide leather thronging (available at craft shops), or make a ‘cuff’ bracelet simply by sewing buttons onto wide elastic. You can make an attractive design by alternating large and small buttons of various colours.

Decorate a Doll’s House
If your children are older, you can use buttons to decorate a doll's house. Paste the buttons up as lights, or use them as plates and wall hangings inside the house. The more variety, the better.