To Do with Corks

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Wine Cork Trivet Gift Set

Supplies Needed:
Approx 50 Wine Corks (
you can purchase them here)
2' x 2' Sheet Of Poplar Or Oak 1/4" Plywood
6' piece of 3/4" Wood Trim
Wood Stain
1 Yard Of Satin Ribbon
Gorilla Glue
Saw & Wood Clamps

Here's how to make this wine cork wreath:
Step 1: Cut 4 pieces of 3/4" wood trim so that the outside edge of the pieces are 8 1/2" in length.
Cut the pieces on a 45 degree angle to make the outer frame of the trivet.
The inside edge should be 7" after the cut is made.
Step 2: Cut your 1/4" plywood into an 8 1/2" perfect square. This will be used as the foundation of your trivet so you have something to glue the corks onto.
Step 3: Using a strong glue (we used Gorilla Glue), attach the 4 moldings onto the plywood square.
Be sure the edges of the frame are flush with the plywood base to give a smooth finish. You may want to use some wood clamps to hold the wood in place while the glue sets.
Your trivet should look like the one to the left.
Step 4: Once the glue dries, you can stain the frame to match your cabinet color in your kitchen or use your choice of stain colors and/or paints.
Step 5: Using the same Gorilla Glue, begin attaching the wine corks to the base. Gorilla glue works well because it "foams" up a bit and wraps around the corks nicely.
We used an alternating pattern to give a unique appearance.
Step 6: Here is how your trivet will look once all the corks have been glued on.
Step 7: Next, you can make a smaller trivet using the exact same steps as explained in steps 1 through 6 above.
The only different is the size of the frame edge and base plywood. We used a 6 3/4" perfect square piece of plywood on the bottom and the wood trim was cut on a 45 degree angle measuing 6 3/4" on the outside.
Step 8: Once the glue on the second cork trivet dries, you can stack it on top of the larger trivet you made earlier.
Step 9: Tie a nice bow around the two trivets and present your wine cork trivet gift to someone you care about!


Fasten Earrings
Earring backs always get lost, and you can’t always find a perfect-sized stand-in when you need it. Instead, use a snippet of cork as a temporary substitute. Slice a small piece about the size of the backing and push it on.

Prevent Pottery Scratches
Your beautiful pottery can make ugly scratches on furniture. To save scratching table tops, cut thin slices of cork and glue them to the bottom of your ceramic objects.

Block Sun Glare
In the good old days of football and baseball, players would burn cork and rub it under their eyes to reduce glare from the sun and stadium lights. These days, they use commercial products to do the same, but you can still use cork to get the job done.

Make an Impromptu Pincushion
If you’re looking for a place to store pins while sewing, save wine-bottle corks- they make great pin cushions!

Picture-Perfect Frames
If you’re always straightening picture frames on the wall, cut some flat, pieces of cork, all the same thickness, and glue them to the back of the frame. The cork will grip the wall and stop it from sliding. It will also prevent the frame from marring the wall.