To Do with Dental Floss

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Slice Cake and Cheese
Use dental floss to cut cakes, especially delicate and sticky ones that tend to adhere to a knife. Just hold a length of floss taut over the cake and them slice away, moving it slightly side to side as you cut through the cake. You can also use dental floss to cut small blocks of cheese cleanly.

Secure a Button Permanently
Did that button fall off again? This time, sew it back on with dental floss –it’s much stronger than thread, which makes it perfect for reinstalling buttons on coats, jackets, and heavy shirts

Extra-Strong String for Hanging Things
Considering how thin it is, dental floss is strong stuff. Use it instead of string or wire to securely hang pictures, sun catchers, or wind chimes. Use it with a thread to needle together papers you want to attach or display, in clothes-line fashion.

Remove a Stuck Ring
Here’s a simple way to slip off a ring that’s stuck on your finger. Wrap the length of your finger from the ring to the nail tightly with dental floss. (the flat, tape side works well). Then slide the ring off over the floss ‘carpet’.

Lift Cookies Off a Baking Tray
Ever fought with a freshly baked cookie that wouldn’t come off the baking tray? Crumbled cookies may taste just as good as those in one piece, but they definitely don’t look as nice on the serving plate. Use dental floss to easily remove cookies from the baking tray.
Recieve Free Dental Care and Get Paid
Things You'll Need:
A cavity or deep plaque
A local university with a dental program
4-5 hours of time
Internet access (optional)

Step 1
Visit your local university and find out if they have a dental program and when certification exams happen. Target the date and inquire into the qualification criteria for potential patient candidate. Post a flyer of availability with your contact email (phone number) on their student board.As the exam dates near, some students will begin looking for patients within their network of friends, family, or school. Because the requirements for a patient may be narrow in category, they may start posting ads online with compensation offers. The closer the exam dates, the better the compensation, if offered, tend to be.
Step 2
Check periodically on Craigslist's "Free" section to see if there are any students looking for patients. Respond to the ads immediately with the appropriate information they need. Arrange a meeting to be screened as soon as they call and make yourself available to their convenience if needed. Free dental cleanings can save you at least $50 (without insurance) and $100 and up for fillings. Treat it like you are earning it.
Step 3
Develop rapport with your student dentist. Find out as much information as you can during your screening and ask if you can get copies of your x-ray (free) when completed. If you qualify, you will be called in for the exam times. Negotiate everything and make sure a full understanding is in place before making a final agreement, on paper if needed, before shaking hands on it. Make sure that you are positive about the situation and have a complete understanding of what will take place, how long it will take, and what you will get out of it.
Step 4
Show up on time and prepare to have the day spent under a light with an embarrassing dental dam strapped on your face (see picture above) for at least two hours as the student dentist examinee and judges poke and prod at your mouth. Maintain a calm and positive attitude to reliever the student dentist, and yourself, of any stress to better assure a passing job.Students taking their certification exams tend to do a better job than most dentists, in my opinion, because their career hangs on it. Make sure to be patient with them and relax as much as you can during the whole procedure. In the end, you would've received free dental care saving you an important bit of money. If you're lucky, you would have also negotiated for some pay for your time (depending on the student). Make sure to thank the student after the exam and avoid bad dental habits from that day forward, if possible. It's better to prevent the problem than to wear than dental dam thing for sure!