To Do with Chalk

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Homemade Chalk

Just gather some toilet-tissue tubes, plaster of Paris, powdered tempera paints, and a few craft supplies.
Then, follow these steps.
1. Make a mold by covering one end of the tissue tube with duct tape. Loosely roll up a piece of waxed paper and slip it into the tube. This lining will keep the plaster from sticking to the mold.
2. Measure 3/4 cup of warm water into a disposable plastic container. Sprinkle in plaster a little at a time, until the powder no longer dissolves (about twice as much plaster as water). Stir slowly and thoroughly with a spoon. Then, mix in 2 or 3 tablespoons of tempera paint. For pastel shades, combine white tempera with a primary hue. Rinse the spoon under an outdoor faucet or in a jar filled with water to avoid clogging sink drains.
3. Place the mold sealed-end down on a level surface and pour in the wet plaster. Lightly tap the sides of the tube to release air bubbles in the plaster. Let the chalk harden for a couple of days. Then, remove the tape and slide the marking stick out of the mold.
Keep Silver from Tarnishing
You love serving friends with your fine silver, but polishing it before each use is another story. Put one or two pieces of chalk in the drawer with your good silver; it will absorb moisture and slow tarnishing. Put some in your jewelry box to delay tarnishing there, too.

Remove Grease Spots
Rub chalk on a grease spot on clothing or table linen and let it absorb the oil before you brush it off. If the stain lingers, rub chalk into it again before laundering. To get rid of ring-around-the-collar stains, mark the stains heavily with chalk before laundering. The chalk will absorb the oils that hold dirt in.

Polish Metal and Marble
To make metal shine like new, put some chalk on a damp cloth and wipe. (You can make chalk dust by pulverizing pieces of chalk.) Buff with a soft cloth for an even shinier finish. Wipe marble with a damp, soft cloth dipped in powdered chalk. Rinse with clear water and dry thoroughly.

Keep Tools Rust-Free
You can eliminate moisture and prevent rust from invading your tool box by simple putting a few pieces of chalk in the box. Your tools will be rust-free and so will the toolbox.

Reduce Wardrobe Dampness
Tie a dozen pieces of chalk together and hang them up in a damp wardrobe. The chalk will absorb moisture and help prevent mildew, but remember to replace the chalk with a new bundle every few months.