To Do with Gum

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Retrieve Valuables
Oops, you just lost an earring or other small valuable down the drain. Try retrieving it with a freshly chewed piece of chewing gum stuck to the bottom of a fishing weight. Dangle it from a string tied to the weight let it take hold, then reel the earring back up the drain.

Lure a Crab
You’ll be eating plenty of crab cakes if you try this trick. Briefly chew a piece of gum so that it’s soft but hasn’t lost its flavour, then attach it to a crab line. Lower the line and wait for the crabs to go for the gum.

Treat Flatulence and Heart Burn
Settle stomach gases and relieve heartburn after chewing a stick of spearmint gum. The oils in the spearmint act as an antiflatulent. Chewing stimulates the production of saliva, which neutralizes stomach acid and corrects the flow of digestive juices. Spearmint also acts as a digestive aid.

Repair Glasses
When your glasses suddenly have a lens loose, put a small piece of chewed gum in the corner of the lens to hold it in place until you can get the glasses properly repaired.

Fill Cracks
Fill a crack in a clay flowerpot or a dog bowl with a piece of well chewed chewing gum.